A Prayer.

No words needed. Beautiful. True. Heart felt. Needed. Please worship today with me. God is good and His love endures forever!


I love my job. I love my kids. I love my LIFE!!! But some days, weeks, seasons I feel overwhelmed. Ever feel that way? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. I have so many projects, ministry ideas, school ideas, and organization ideas for my home on my mind. But I can’t find the […]


I have to offer a post of praise for my day yesterday. I woke yesterday feeling empty lonely and needing “me time. I was self focused and throwing one major pity party. Well, after my time with my Father, He spoke to me, loved on me, and showed me how blessed I was. Then prompted […]


Today I am praying for returned health for my family. Today I am praying for all those women whose arms are empty as I cuddle my sick brood. Today I am praying for my husband, who even though he is under the weather, headed out to work to provide for his family. Today I am […]

More or Less

I am only one person with only so much energy and only so much of “me” to go around. But, my God is big. He is bigger than I am and He can fill as much space as He wants. Or, actually, as I will let Him. As the children and I were reading our […]

Knee Deep

As I am knee deep in child training, house keeping, baby wearing, laundry and cooking, I have had something on my heart. I am guilty of this in my own life and I have been hurt by it so many times, only to realize I was doing it to other people. As a stay at […]


I have sat down to try to write this post several times and haven’t found the words. I am determined this time. To write down something. Anything. To help me remember and to never forget. It happened just a little over a week ago now. It happened for the second time in my life. Two […]


Isn’t life all about perspective? I have been thinking about it a lot lately. In all honesty, it started while watching one of the countless cartoons I have watched with my children over the past three weeks during this forever long virus that we have been fighting. The teacher in the cartoon was trying to […]