
Kate’s medicine is helping most of the time. She has gone to getting up every hour or so to only getting up twice a night. She seems much better during the day although I think she developed some “habits” while she wasn’t feeling well for three weeks. She still wants to be picked up often and only “snacks” every two to three hours instead of nursing well at one feeding and being done with it. But, at least she doesn’t seem to be in pain.

She is playing more and “talking” to us more these past two days. She had gotten to the point that she just sat around and hardly even responded to anyone or anything. I was becoming worried with her lack of response so I am so relieved to see her acting like a normal six month old finally!

Thank you for your prayers. God answers prayers and uses His people to help each other.

2 Responses to “Kate”

  1. Oh i’m so glad to hear that your little Kate is feeling a bit better! Praise God!

  2. Yay! I’m so glad she’s feeling better. I bet it’s makin you feel better too. It’s so sad when a baby isn’t doing well. I’m gonna keep praying for her and hope she gets even better.