Our New Homeschooling Schedule

If you follow me on Twitter (@ourheartandhome) you know that since we started back to school on Monday I have implemented a new schedule for us. Up until now we schooled on more of a routine than a schedule. We woke when we wanted and schooled when it happened and so forth. Some days we would start at 8:30 and other days we would start at 10:00. We would get in 5 subjects one day and only 3 the next. There was no consistency and no expectation for my children to hold to and that caused constant whining and trying to get out of work if I tried to do a full day. So here is how we are schooling now, with much more structure and consistency.

Mom wakes – 7:00am (Bible study, morning routine*)
Children wake – 7:30am (morning routine*)
Breakfast – 8:15am
Bible/History – Read together while breafast is eaten
Personal Hygiene – 8:45am
School Starts – 9:00am (math, phonics, language, writing)

Free Time- When school is done for the morning (usuaully around 10:30) the children play and I work on my cleaning routine
Lunch – 11:30am
Rest/School Time – 12:30pm Little ones rest or nap and the big girls do reading and spelling with me. They read to me while I fold laundry, we spell out loud, spelling bee style. We will also do races with math facts, review whatever Bible passage that we are working on (currently Psalm 23) and so forth.
Afternoon Routine* – 3:30 By now everyone but the baby is up and we get started to clean up from the day.
Dinner – 5:30pm
Family Time – 6:30 – 7:45 We watch a movie, play board games, make a visit for church, the kids wrestle with Daddy, or whatever we choose for the night.
Bedtime Snack/Routine – 7:45-8:15pm
Family Worship – 8:15-9:00pm This has become one of my favorite times of day. I will do another post on exactly what this looks like for our family right now at another time. But it is what I call it. It is the time that we as a family spend time worshiping Christ TOGETHER!
I would love to hear your thoughts on scheduling and routines in the home. I have developed other *routines* that I have mentioned here as well. I will post on those soon. They are still a work in progress as I tweek them to make them work and not be too much to accomplish within a reasonable amount of time. As soon as I am comfortable with them I will post about them. Until then, please share with me what your schedule looks like. As a working mom, stay at home mom, homeschooling mom, whatever! I would love to hear from you.

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