So, it is December 9th already. What have you done to keep Jesus the reason for the season? Last year I did a series on Seeing Christ in Christmas that told you a little of how we are very intentional about allowing our children to have fun with more “secular” traditions but showing them how Christ can be found in all of it. Because no matter how hard you try, you just can’t take Christ out of Christmas and have anything worth celebrating.

This year I have reminded our children of the ways to see Jesus in our tree, in the star that rests on top of it, and the pretty lights that twinkle throughout our neighborhood. But we have added a whole other layer to our Christmas season for our bigger kids. This year, just as Christ came as a baby with only one mission, to serve His own creation, we should focus on serving others this season (and all year really). If you follow me on Instagram or even Facebook (link in the sidebar) you have seen pictures of what we have been up to.
We are hosting a toy giveaway for local needy tomorrow night at our church. My children have purged their toys, have sorted and cleaned donations, and have helped set up the toys for tomorrow night. They are so excited to bless others through this event and I couldn’t be more proud of them for their giving spirit.
We are making gifts for those that we love on a daily basis right now in our home. We try to encourage the children that even though they may be young they can make a gift that is worth far more than money can buy because they gave of their time and talents to make it.
Another way we are keeping Jesus the reason for the season is by writing and illustrating books about His birth to send to the children that are being ministered to by City of Hope Outreach. My sister and brother in law are just starting another outreach in a new neighborhood in Conway, AR. So, we are creating books, coloring pages, worksheets, etc and mailing them to her to use during their afternoon tutoring sessions. The children will practice reading an writing through these activity pages my children have created and all the while they will be taught the true meaning of Christmas.
So, you see, Jesus is the reason for the season in our home. What does your family do to keep Christ and His teachings the center of Christmas in your house?
Great reminders for all of us in how to keep Jesus the center of our Christmas season. Thanks for sharing!
I love all the opportunities that come around at Christmas time for sharing and giving to others.
Wonderful reminder for this season.