The Heart of the Matter

As I have written about recently we are still encouraging skirt wearing in our family. But my heart is heavy and I am at a loss. You see, my oldest doesn’t like the skirt wearing, she fights against it daily, and only does it to avoid punishment for disobedience. And I don’t know what to do!! I don’t feel that Scripture mandates only skirts for women but this is something I feel strongly convicted about.

I truly desire for her to enjoy wearing skirts and to embrace being the woman that God created her to be. But I know that this is so much more of a heart issue and not a dress issue.

I am praying for her, for her heart, and for her attitude. She is such a Godly young girl that is giving, honest, hard-working, and loving as much as you could ever ask her to be. But on this issue her and I are on a different page. And she views skirts as a “punishment”. They make her different, none of her friends have to wear them all of the time, and they “get in her way”.

Have any of you other momma’s introduced skirt wearing later in the life of your daughters? Have you had a daughter that didn’t like skirts? What did you do?

Would you pray with me? This is something very dear to my heart and I desire God to move in my daughter’s heart in ways only He can. I don’t want to force her.

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