No Me Monday!!

I wanted to join in the fun this week of the totally freeing and refreshing ability of the Not Me!Monday game.
First I most certainly did NOT let my kids yet again this week waste several hours in front of the TV. At least they were Veggie Tale Bible stories, so they were actually beneficial, weren’t they???
I most certainly did NOT help print, fold, stuff and address over 150 different invitations this week. And I am the mother of four, one of which is not sleeping through the night, so I most definitely did NOT stay up until midnight or after two different nights to accomplish this.
I also did NOT have four children in my tub at one time while being the only adult in the room. That is just crazy, so I did NOT do that. Nope NOT me!!
After I did laundry ALL day on Friday, I had all the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away, which is an unreachable goal most of the time in this house. So I can not understand then why I did NOT have six loads of dirty laundry plus a load of dirty diapers to wash today! That did NOT happen in this house!
Well as mom to four and homeschooling one, I am sure there were a lot more Not Me moments in our week, but who can remember that long ago!! Thanks for reading and join in the fun. I would love to see what you did NOT do this week.

2 Responses to “No Me Monday!!”

  1. You did all the laundry?? Wow. What a feat. I gave up that goal loooong ago. Half-way through carrying my Baby Number Four. Now, we just work on it M-F, off on weekend, back on M-F. It works for us. Especially with the way it piles back up! Well, YOU KNOW! Good to “meet” another mom of four.


  2. Glad I stopped by…sounds like you are a GREAT mommy! Your kids are lucky to have you.

    Many blessings-