My little community has been rocked these past few months by a growing trend that no one saw coming. It isn’t drugs or rape or anything that can be countered in the physical realm of this world. It is suicide. It is a permenent solution to temporary problems as I have recently heard it […]
Finding a Thankful Spirit
Growing Deeper Roots – Bible Reading – Post #4
Growing Deeper Roots – Fellowship
Do not be slothful in zeal, Y)”>be fervent in spirit, Z)”>serve the Lord. 12 AA)”>Rejoice in hope, AB)”>be patient in tribulation, AC)”>be constant in prayer. 13 AD)”>Contribute to the needs of the saints and AE)”>seek to show hospitality. 14 AF)”>Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 AG)”>Rejoice with those who […]