Any mother of many children knows that you can’t afford to get rid of clothing once a child out grows it. You must store it for the next child in line. You have baby girls and baby boys, and you have boy toddlers and girl toddlers. You also have boys and girls in every size […]
Isn’t life all about perspective? I have been thinking about it a lot lately. In all honesty, it started while watching one of the countless cartoons I have watched with my children over the past three weeks during this forever long virus that we have been fighting. The teacher in the cartoon was trying to […]
What does it look like?
Picture Time.
From my Kitchen Window
People are always talking about their view from their kitchen window. It is something most women think about when looking for a new house. A great view is highly desired among the women crowd. And as I washed dishes yesterday and looked out at where my kitchen window used to be I saw this….. You […]
I must be…
I have joined the club…
…..the expectant mothers club! The Sikes family would like to announce the expectation of our fifth child. We are all excited beyond words and I hope that it explains a littel about my lack of posting lately. I am feeling “normal” for me during the first trimester. I feel like I have been hit with […]
These are a few of my favorite things….
When Katherine cries, when she whines, when she’s feeling sad…… We simply hand her her favorite things and then things don’t seem soooo bad! Her blanket made by her Grandmada, her first baby bought by daddy and mommy for Katherine’s first Christmas, and our much loved pacis*. *The pacis have been put away and Katherine has […]