Girls Just Want to Have Fun!!

I really do love having daughters and the older they get the more fun we seem to have. Here are some pictures of some “girl fun” that we have had over the past couple months. All of my girls are girly girls and that makes doing hair and “playing” with make-up a common occurrence around […]

Striving for Perfection?

As I spoke with a woman this week that has just recently become a mother of 2 I was reminded how things have changed for me over the years. Maggie “helping” Samantha In my “before children” home the focus was on my likes, tastes, and all about eye appeal. And then, a short 10 months […]

Training Toddlers to Sit Still

Do you ever get tired of wrestling your toddler? Do you ever feel like you are just putting out a fire or waiting for the next one to erupt? Well, after having five children in 8 years I had to come up with a better way. I couldn’t be wrestling the two year old still […]

Snow Ice Cream

Start with a bowl of snow. Making Memories. Add some milk, a large splash of vanilla, and snow ice cream. And a sprinkle of sugar. Then watch their eyes sparkle as they eat their ice cream! Just one of the ways I am trying to be a more memorable mom.

Little things.

Some days it is the little things. Like toothpaste tubes with flip tops that don’t come off and can’t be lost. It made me smile today. Is that weird? Have you had a “little thing” moment lately?

Yes Mom.

I have been trying to, this past year, be more of a “yes” mom. I have been trying to say “no” only to things that really aren’t a good idea. If something makes a mess, we will clean it up. If something takes some time, I will make it. So the other day, I had […]

Just some sentences.

Its been a long week. Most of my children have been sick at least some portion of this week. Katherine has croup and strep throat. Both. Ouch. With every cough she would cry. With every cough she would wake up. That resulted in waking up momma every 30min-an hour this week. She’s on antibiotics, breathing […]


My baby is already sleeping un swaddled. Where has the time gone? He is trying out baby food. Where has the time gone? He is sitting up all by himself. Where has the time gone? I’ve always heard that time flies when you are having fun. Well, I’m living my life long dream of being […]