So serious If I had a quarter for every time someone asked me how I do all that I do I would be wealthy and could hire a servant and not do near as much. But, alas, I don’t have a quarter for each time and so I continue to do it all. I minister […]
Staying in the Game.
Ever felt overwhelmed, under appreciated and all around just stretched too thin? Well this summer has left me feeling this way on more than one day. It isn’t any one thing but just all the “little” things combined. Garden. Children. Cooking. Laundry. Shopping. Cleaning the Basement. Purging clothes and toys. Training the new puppy. See […]
True Christian Motherhood Review and Giveaway
Then, united, we can take back our homes, our children, our marriages and our time and stop sacrificing them to the world… on the alter of futility. And instead rightfully restore our homes, and offer our children and ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord. (page 27) I have had the extreme pleasure of […]
A Cloth Diaper Shower
I recently have been blessed with my first niece on my side. Up until the last few weeks my children have been the only grandchildren on my side. But the impending birth of this baby brought about the need for a baby shower. And when my sister decided to cloth diaper, I started brain-storming ideas […]
Little Boys and Baby Dolls
Think Before You Speak
Have you ever found yourself in one of those situations with your children, or anyone for that matter, where you said something that you were so confident in to, only minutes later realize you were wrong? The other day I did. And the situation involved this little visitor…. You see, when I went to cut […]