To me homeschooling without textbooks is easiest in these two subjects. I LOVE teaching science and history without textbooks. My children have thrived with this method and their retention is amazing. Choosing topics that go with the seasons, holidays, or other happenings in our world is one way to make school fun and applicable. I […]
Put a Spring in Your Step Giveaway Event
Homeschool 101 – Homeschooling with Little Ones
One of the questions that I get the most in regards to homeschooling is how do you homeschool with so many little ones around. This year I have 4 in school, a preschooler, a toddler, and a newborn. Well meaning people wonder about how well the older children can concentrate and learn with the noise […]
5 Weekly Goals – Homeschool Goals
Homemade ABC Learning Game
Homeschool Spanish – Spanish for You! Review
Spanish for You! recently sent me their Estaciones program for review. The Estaciones program offers lessons that focus on the weather and seasons and much more. It is a fully interactive curriculum that works great as a whole family study with worksheets for all levels. It can be easily taught by a parent with no prior […]
Character Training Program – Leadership Garden Review
This Leadership Garden Legacy review has led to many good conversations in our home. As we worked our way through the U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden paperback book ($18.95) I was able to talk a lot about character training with our children. This beautifully illustrated simple to read chapter book is perfect for children […]