Calming the Chaos – Menu Planning

I think there might possibly be just as many ways to menu plan as their are households that need to plan meals. But I never tire of talking about how other families plan and organize this needed chore. So, I am hoping that you all will share with me how you handle the menu planning chore in your […]

Calming the Chaos – Organizing Clothing

When you have 7 people in a house you have lots of clothing that needs to be easily accessed on a daily basis and then also even more clothing that is either in the wrong sizes or season that is in long term storage. So, how does on go about maintaining order in this jungle […]

Calming Chaos – In the “Office”

Now, I don’t have an “office”  to calm the chaos in, but I have paper work to organize and bills to keep up with and lots of paperwork to do with homeschooling as well. So how do I keep it all calm and organized so that it doesn’t cause me a ton of strees? 1. […]

Calming Chaos – In the Kitchen

Does your kitchen sometimes look like a bomb went off in it? Are your counters covered with dishes without any spot to work? Do you wake up in the morning just to realize there are not enough clean spoons for this morning’s oatmeal? The kitchen has been called the “heart of the home” and because […]