Just some sentences toady. No pictures, sorry. Today Jeremiah turns 9 months. His monthly update post will be coming soon. That post will have pictures, I promise! If I seem to be MIA it is because I am. My garden is in full harvest mode and I am spending about an hour a day picking […]
Helping Hand
Oh brother!!
Our days right now are busy and full. The weather is hot and the days are long. Many evenings find us outside even after dinner. Playing. Mowing. Running. Smiling. Swinging on our new tire swing. Getting dirtier by the minute. Even engaging in a game of “chase” before the night is out. And then, as […]
Meaningful Mondays.
It’s been awhile since I have done this but I really like starting out my week focusing on my blessings. Striving to see my life through thankful lenses as God poors out blessings into my life. So, here are 10 of the things that right now I am particularly thankful for. Window blinds to help shield […]