Here is an easy way to make baked french toast casserole any morning. It is an easy and quick and recipe and uses ingredients you are sure to have on hand. It is a cheap and easy breakfast. My children all love it! And I love it because it is done all at once and […]
Your Alabaster Box – Sacrificial Worship
There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. Matthew 26:7 (emphasis mine) An alabster box was a most prized possession in Biblical days. It was costly and often filled with just as costly perfume/spices/oils. On this day Jesus […]
Wordless Wednesday – Family Chores
During my first trimester I can often be found lowering my standards on how clean we keep the house. Due to morning sickness and lack of energy, I maintain the needed items and the rest are considered “extra” and only touched when I have extra energy. Many times our normal family chores don’t even get […]
Water. Ice. and Snow. – A Winter Weather Study
Family Bible Time Ideas
Are you seeking to add more Spriritual training to your home? Would you like some family Bible time ideas? No matter if your children are young or old or if they are homeschooled, public schooled, or not even in school yet it is imperative that we, as parents, instill the Word in our children. This year […]