Update to Prayer Request – She is doing so much better! Thank you for the prayers. We started some breathing treatments and allergy meds and they seem to be doing the trick. It was a very scary night last night and not something I hope to ever repeat. Unfortunately though, she has done this every […]
Caramel Chex Mix
Homeschool in The Woods – Lapbook Review
Home School in The Woods recently sent me their Hands-On History Lap-Pak: The 20th Century in America kit download ($21.95) for review purposes. I couldn’t wait to dive into this study as I love history and the 20th Century is such a fun time period in our country’s history. So, I put a bunch of […]
Food Should Taste Good Review
We recently tried a new brand of snack chips. Food Should Taste Good tortilla and sweet potato chips were first made in 2006 and have now grown to be the #1 natural tortilla chip brand in the U.S. and Canada. All of these natural tortilla chips are made without artificial ingredients and are certified gluten […]
Family Stickers Car Decal Stickers Review and Giveaway
I was so excited when FamilyStickers offered me a review of their car decal stickers!! My big white van needed a splash of color and their full color car decal stickers were just the solution I was looking for. This amazing company has so many products that can be personalized to meet your family’s size and style. […]
A Daily Dose
Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? You just give and give all day long and there is just nothing left to give anymore? Sometimes we loose focus on where we should be “refueling” from. We think time alone, or the right motivational book, this women’s conference, or that seminar will fill […]