Here are 26 summer fun ideas using the ABC’s. Most of them are free or use items you probably have around the house. Use them today to make memories that will last a lifetime! A is for adopting a grandparent from your church or local nursing home and visit them weekly. B is for baseball […]
St. Louis Zoo
3 Keys to Well Behaved Children
Amber Teething Necklace
As a mother of 6 I have never before used an amber teething necklace but when Elizabeth started teething and my happy, content baby disappeared I went searching for some relief for her. When I found these necklaces I must admit that I was very skeptical, but I was also a sleep deprived, desperate mamma. I […]
Home School Adventure Co.
I have never been so intrigued by a company’s books than I have been when I was on Home School Adventure Co. website. From Christian philosophy to Bible Memory tools, they offer a wide variety of conservative Christian resources that are useful for the homeschooler, the church, or family study. I have had the pleasure of reviewing their Philippians […]