I have used amber necklaces on Elizabeth since she was about 6 months old and started teething. I have also let my sister use them on my niece who is 2 but was cutting molars recently. And now, thanks to Amber Artisans I have personally worn them for back and neck pain. I have seen […]
How to Create a Self-Motivated Learner – Part 1
Preparing for Worship – Your Home
Each and every Saturday night you will find me preparing for worship. During this series on preparing for worship I want to share with you in detail how a large family prepares for worship. Or more specifically, how a momma to a large family prepares for worship. Today’s focus will be on preparing your home. The […]
Preparing for Worship – Your Heart
St Louis Magic House
Raising a Large Family on One Income
In a world that is driven by the assumption that a household will have two incomes, having mom stay home with the children takes great sacrifice. But, I believe that the sacrifice is worth it on many fronts. It takes some creativity and willingness to do without some things but there are also lots of […]
Homeschooling Year Round
Memory Verses for Children
Here are some of my favorite memory verses for children. We start with these verses when our children are ready to memorize Scripture usually around age 4 or 5, though it is different with each child. We are passionate in our home about memory verses for children. I truly feel that if children grow up hiding […]