Have you seen the event going on over at Happily Domestic? This whole event is focusing on the topic of modesty. This is a subject that is very dear to my heart. You can read a couple of posts that I have written for the event, as well as enter to win some great modest clothing. […]
Surviving Sunday Morning
Your Alabaster Box – Sacrificial Worship
There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. Matthew 26:7 (emphasis mine) An alabster box was a most prized possession in Biblical days. It was costly and often filled with just as costly perfume/spices/oils. On this day Jesus […]
Wordless Wednesday – Family Chores
During my first trimester I can often be found lowering my standards on how clean we keep the house. Due to morning sickness and lack of energy, I maintain the needed items and the rest are considered “extra” and only touched when I have extra energy. Many times our normal family chores don’t even get […]
Love Your Enemies – A Spiritual Lesson
Security when Tragedy Strikes.
We find security in the everyday. In routine. In our home. In our job. In our children. Many times, without even knowing it we find security in these things. Life moves forward and we never give thought of things changing or tragedy striking. And then one day our security is shaken. Our nation mourns. The […]
Growing Deeper Roots – Prayer
Growing Deeper Roots – Fellowship
Do not be slothful in zeal, Y)”>be fervent in spirit, Z)”>serve the Lord. 12 AA)”>Rejoice in hope, AB)”>be patient in tribulation, AC)”>be constant in prayer. 13 AD)”>Contribute to the needs of the saints and AE)”>seek to show hospitality. 14 AF)”>Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 AG)”>Rejoice with those who […]