
So I am new to this but I wanted to share my finds. I walked out of Walgreens Monday with a total savings of $36.03 and I paid $34.95. Now $35 sounds like a lot but I got a lot of items too! Here’s what I got –
3 bags Kraft Homestyle mac and cheese
2 large jars Planters peanuts
6 individual size candy bars
4 large size bags of M and M’s (I never buy these due to price, My kids were SOO excited!)
1 ladies deodorant
4 packs of gum
3 handsoap pumps
3 bottles of Dawn
1 can lysol
1 box of cereal
I felt that for my first time I did really well! I am excited to see where this journey takes me and if it really does save me money in my budget while also allowing me to “splurge” on items (like the M and M’s) that I was never able to do before.
If you are interested in couponing check out Common Sense with Money. She tells you how to pair up coupons with sales to get the best deal and she lives in my area so she gets the same paper as I! It is wonderful to have someone else do all the leg work.

3 Responses to “Coupons”

  1. Crystal Michel

    Awesome! You’re savings were higher than your total :)

  2. Did you check out the Save-A-Lot coupon on my blog? If you want to do it, I can stop for you next week.