Meaningful Monday

  1.  A beautiful and productive Saturday spent working with my family. A new raised garden bed, a tilled garden, a cleaned up yard and storage area and a rearranged living room.
  2. Hearing my 8 year old sing her heart out to her Savior in worship. Brought tears to my eyes to hear her engage that way. It really is from her heart. Maybe I am (through God’s blessings and leading) doing something right as a mother!).
  3. Spending lots and lots of time with my mother as she stayed with us last week. Great memories and lots of help!
  4. A great time of fellowship with my church family.
  5. Good sales, great coupons, and a God who provides all our needs.
  6. Five beautiful children that bring a smile to my face and brighten my day. They are truly my greatest blessing!
  7. Clothes. When I brought out the spring and summer clothes I was ready to make a list of needed items. By the end the list was empty save one thing for Jeremiah. What a blessing!!!
  8. A Godly man that leads our family, puts a high priority on his children’s spiritual health, serves others with his whole heart and still loves this woman and her ever changing body even when I don’t!
  9. Green grass
  10. The end of school is in site. Only math books to finish up this year. Moving on to summer schedule!!!

Can you take the “Meaning Monday” Challenge? Come up with 10 things you are thankful for. Leave them in a comment or write a blog post. Let’s show others that even Mondays can be meaningful and blessed.

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