Caramel Chex Mix

This amazing little snack mix really happened by accident one day when I was seeking a new snack to try and just couldn’t find anything. I knew I wanted to make a Chex mix type snack that would be good for our soccer games on Saturday mornings. And then the thought occurred to me that I had a tasty “topping” or seasoning recipe from my homemade caramel popcorn recipe. And thus was born our new favorite snack mix….Caramel Chex mix.


Caramel Chex Mix

20 cups of ingredients (I have so far used chex cereal, Cheerios, and Corn Flakes in different ratios.) cereals, pretzels, peanuts, raisins, etc. The possibilities are endless really.

In a pan combine

2 cups brown sugar

1 cup butter

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup corn syrup (I use apple sauce)

Bring to a full rolling boil and then DON’T STIR and allow it to boil for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and add in 1/2 tsp baking soda and mix well. It will change color and consistency immediately (see pictures below).

Pour caramel mixture over the cereal and stir gently to combine. Bake at 250 degrees stirring and rotating pan every 15 minutes for a total of one hour. Pour out onto counter to cool well. Store in air tight container.


Full Rolling Boil – Don’t forget, don’t stir during the 5 minutes.

homemade chex mix
Don’t start timing until it boils this.

The “change” after you add in the baking soda.

homemade carmel chex mix
See the color and consistency difference.

The final product. It makes a bunch!!

homemade carmel chex mix
Cool and enjoy!

3 Responses to “Caramel Chex Mix”

  1. Easy and yummy! that’s what i like! thanks for sharing found you on Tuesdays blog hop.
    Deanna from