Staying in the Game.

Ever felt overwhelmed, under appreciated and all around just stretched too thin?

Well this summer has left me feeling this way on more than one day. It isn’t any one thing but just all the “little” things combined.

Cleaning the Basement.
Purging clothes and toys.
Training the new puppy.

See what I mean? Lots of little things but not enough time in the day for all of it.

Samantha has learned to swim under water this summer.  

So here is what I have been doing to avoid burn-out as a wife and momma during these busy summer months.

1. Take time for myself each day…. I do this by working out. Some day I combine it with training the new dog and take a walk. Some days I dance with the children. Other days I’m up before them and actually workout. But getting my body back in shape is important to me so taking this time for myself helps me to keep my head in the game. I also have done this by planning a weekly trip to my parents farm. They have a big pool so it is fun for the kids but it also gets me away from the “everyday” work and allows me some time to focus on mothering. Plus, I can motivate myself during the week with this “reward”.

2. Pick a verse……I pick a Bible verse in the morning and read it several times. Then throughout the day I remind myself of the promise that the Scripture gives to me.

3. Use music……I didn’t used to be a big music person but I have found that it can lift even the grouchiest of moods in me and my children. So, when a slump comes on I turn on the tunes and work it out to the music!

4.  Do something FUN………… I know this seems very backwards when you have lots of work to do but it does help me. If I am feeling overwhelmed and not able to push through I will take the littles out to swim, blow some bubbles, or play a game. Even if just for 20 min and then I can get started again and be more productive than if I fought it all afternoon.

Oh the places we could go!

5. Just get started………I’ve learned over the years that starting is half the battle. If you get started usually you will keep on cleaning. You won’t want to stop because you will love how it feels to accomplish something and how your home looks. For me, getting started is 80% of the battle.

What do you use to “keep your head in the game” when you have too much on your plate?

2 Responses to “Staying in the Game.”

  1. Thanks for the great ideas! For me, one thing that helps the most is making “To Do” lists. Sometimes I have so much going on it is hard to keep any type of focus. I feel scatter brained and don’t get much done. My lists help me see what needs to be accomplished and I love seeing things crossed off the list!