Spell City “A Review”

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If you have been reading here long then you know that we homeschool our five children. And while I loved school growing up and love homeschooling my children there is something I must tell you.


I wasn’t good at it as a kid, and I’m not much better now!

So I have been a little too lax in teaching spelling in any type of consistant form. I don’t like most spelling books as I feel that many children memorize these words they rarely use, rules that always have exceptions, and vocabulary words that any normal person rarely uses just so they can pass a test. It seemed like a waste of time to me.

And then came SpellCity!!

I have had the priveledge to use Spell City at the Premium level for the past few weeks and all of us are loving it. We don’t use really any computer based learning at this point so it is a fun change to my children’s day. Plus I love that in less than 15 minutes I can choose a word list for each student, the lessons that I want them to do and in what order, and check their progress from the week before.

The program won’t let the child do the lessons out of order which I love, most of the activities are self-correcting and the verbal part of the program is easy to understand and very audible which isn’t always that case on a computer!!

I am able to enter my own list so that can follow up with mistakes in the children’s writing or I can use one of many premade lists from the website.

My children love all of the different spelling games that they are able to do!! And I love that this program keeps records for me. You really should check this program out. At only $30 for a Premium Membership (up to 5 students) it is a very affordable spelling option.

I want to thank Spell City for this free trial and the joy of spelling that they have brought into my home!!

I received a membership to this site at the premium level in exchange for this review but was not compensated in any other way. All opinions are mine.

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