As the holiday season is now here, I want to wish all of you, my dear friends a very Merry Christmas from my family to yours. I will be absent here on the blog until after the new year as my husband is off work and we have lots of family time planned. I pray that you will have a blessed Christmas and will truly find the joy of the season that comes when we focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Here is a letter written by my 10 year old about the “True Meaning of Christmas”
The true meaning of Christmas
Jesus was born on Christmas in a manger. Mary was his mother and Joseph was his father and they both felt like God told them to name their baby Jesus. Jesus was God’s son and God told Jesus that one day He would die on the cross and take everyone’s sins. So we could go to heaven and live with Jesus forever. When the day before Christ was going to die came, they had a last supper and it was called the Lord’s Supper. The next day he died on a cross and then he got put in a tomb and three days later he rose from the grave. Through faith in His death we can spend eternity with Christ.
The Sikes family
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