We have all seen images of a nicely laid out space with a steaming cup of coffee and a nice neat line of colored highlighters. A pretty candle and an open Bible finish off this space and tell us of the occupant’s intention. A quiet time alone with God is every believer’s desire for each day, but for most mother’s of young children it is seldom attained and often a spot of many feelings of failure. But are we failing?

I don’t think so, and here is why…….
1 Samuel 16:7 – ……..for the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
To us, if we don’t have the perfect spot, with total silence and tranquility with which to study God’s Word and commune with Him in total silence for at least an hour each day, we “let Him down”, but did we? If He looks at our hearts and He sees our desires doesn’t He see our effort for quiet time? He, after all, blessed us with these children to care for and knows how much time it takes to shape hearts, train minds, and build relationships. So if our time with Him isn’t picture perfect during this season, is it a failure? No.
As I spend time praying during my daily chores and turning my heart to Him, He reminds me of His love for me. He whispers to my tired body that this is a season, and restful days will come. These children are a blessing to be treasured and studying God’s goodness using a picture Bible can be life changing. Hearing an innocent child pray can usher us into the presence of God like nothing else. So, mom, lay aside your goals of that picture perfect quiet time and embrace God’s grace and love for you.
Don’t take this as an excuse not to study and grow and produce new fruit in your walk with Christ, that is not my point! We are not excluded from His command to study His word, to memorize it, and to love others as Christ did, not at all. We just have to realize that even if that time spent with God happens in the midst of sibling squabbles, fuzzy babies and climbing toddlers, it is the sacrifice of the heart that God sees. Meditate on that verse over folding laundry or washing dishes, pray for that precious soul as you braid her hair or tie his shoes. Speak of Him as you rise up, and go out, and as you lie down. Commune with Christ as you serve the family that he has given to you.
Grab a set of ear buds or a Bluetooth ear piece and listen to His word through sermon or audio Bible while you wash dishes. Stop to marvel at God’s character as you read with your children the Words of God, and know this, your “quiet time” may not look like a magazine cover or a Pinterest quality image but your heart is beautiful before God. For you are shaping hearts and changing the world for Him as you serve Him in your home.
How true this post is! It wasn’t a week ago I was laughing at myself trying to have a morning quiet time session with two toddlers crawling on me, a preschooler sitting at my feet asking 20 questions and my 6 year old trying to talk me into letting him drink my cappuccino. The note I took from it was always pray before reading because you probably won’t have time to finish!
I just found your blog and this was the first post I’ve read, but it has spoken to my heart. As a mama to 7 little ones and another on the way this was I indeed an encouragement. Thank you!