This giveaway is now closed. Marie won the e-book with comment #2.
I was recently introduced to the Trim Healthy Mama way of thinking about food. I have read most of the 650 page e-book that I was given to review and I have found a new mom friendly diet. This lifestyle is not so much about cutting out foods completely but about teaching you different ingredients to use when baking and cooking and a different way to pair foods together to help our bodies function well.
It has changed the way that I structure our meals around the house and has helped me to loose almost 5 pounds after being at a stand still on the scale for almost 6 months. Many mamas get much bigger results than I have and that is my fault or choice rather. I did not go out and buy all of the different sweetners and flours for my baking and drinks like they suggest, but I still saw results.
I increased my water intake and started using the “Building Blocks” chart from their Trim Healthy Mama Beginners Facebook page and the scale started to move. The whole focus of the diet is to isolate a fuel source during each meal. You don’t mix fats with carbs because it causes your body to burn slower and store more fat. The book is an easy read and is very eye opening. This is not just another “fad” diet but truly is a lifestyle that your whole family can enjoy. It can bring with it weight loss, more energy, and better skin.
The book contains a wealth of information about the why and how behind the diet as well as many, many tasty recipe ideas. But for even more recipes you can use Pinterest to find lots of plan approved Trim Healthy Mama recipes. You can truly have your cake and cookies, and chocolate on this plan and still loose weight because they teach you how to make it with healthy fat burning ingredients that our bodies can use up and not just store. From the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook page –

And while being healthy is a great thing and maintaining a healthy weight for our bodies is best I truly believe that anything can become an idol in our lives. It is Biblical to take care of this earthly temple but it is not okay to allow a number on a scale or the size of our pants to consume our entire focus. People are way more important then loosing weight. There are many ways to be healthy and we are each in our own place on this journey and that is fine. Don’t compare your body to anyone else’s because God gave you yours for a reason. Use it to serve Him with everything you have and just do the best you can each day.
If you would like to read this book, leave me a comment below telling me at least one thing that you love about yourself. Are you funny? Are you organized? Do you encourage others? It can be anything but we should all take pleasure and pride in how God created us so let’s hear it and maybe you will win!!
Giveaway ends on May 30th.
All opinions are mine. I received this ebook as review but no other compensation. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC rules and guidelines.
I love that I can encourage my 5 daughters to view health separate from size. I struggle with health, yet have a “normal” bmi. I would love to read this book.
I would love to read this book :-) I think I am organized and I like to help my friends.
Something I love about myself is that I love learning and go through seasons of life learning different/new things. I’ve been curious about this book for awhile now and would love to win a copy.
Who won?