As I practice more and more in child photography I am learning that children are just as unpredictable in front of the camera as they are at any other time. You must be creative and quick and a little funny sometimes too! But I love it! It is something that I love spending my “free” time on and something I hope to do for years to come. Here is some of my latest child photography work from this fall season.

I love doing one year old birthday sessions! Cake smashes are truly my favorite! This little girl was a load of fun and by the end of her session she was showing her personality for the camera.

Oh and the 3 year old phase. This age is as hard to work with as an eight month old at times. One is crawling and moves so fast it is hard to catch them still and at three their moods change as fast as they used to crawl. We had a beautiful fall day for this session and I just love this image.

Oh those big brown eyes!

Another one of the joys of child photography is watching these kids grow. I love seeing them year after year.

The love that siblings have for each other can not be duplicated. Who else on this earth can you fight with one minute, wish would just go away the next, and then stand up for and defend to someone the next!

Each age is different and I love capturing them all. To all of my clients from the past year, thank you! I hope you will stay in touch and remember me next time you need memories captured.
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