George Washington Unit Study – A TOS review

YWAM Publishing offers many studies for various audiences and Christian topics. We have been enjoying reading their biography entitled “George Washington-True Patriot” and working through the corresponding George Washington Unit Study curriculum guide . This book retails for only $6.99 for either an e-book or an audiobook option and is recommended for ages 10+ and the study guide is only $7.49! This George Washington unit study begins when George is just a boy and through vivid descriptions and easy to read text this book brings to life a true hero of our country and a hero that boys and girls today can look to as a role model in many ways.

George Washington unit study

We have thoroughly enjoyed this book. Both Josiah and the girls have been captivated by the stories and learning about what life was like in the 13 colonies. They have also been truly intrigued to learn that George Washington had struggles too. They have seen that he had to work hard and how hard life was for even the simplest task in colonial America.

george washington unit study
Hard at work

As George Washington was fighting battles at home and for our country he made mistakes and learned lessons. He wasn’t perfect and this book has offered many opportunities for me to bring to light that even “heroes” make mistakes and must admit that they are wrong at times. The only perfect “hero” is God and we should never look to a human to fill that place or place a human higher in our hearts than God.

George Washington Unit Study

And while we have been enjoying the book as a read aloud with our lunch each day we have all grown to love this “Father of his Country”. Along with this book we also received the unit study for review. I was so surprised by this unit study as it is completely different than any other “study” that I have ever used. When I opened the file I expected to find a break down of specific activities to do each with each chapter. But that is not what I found at all.


Now, there are chapter questions that obviously go with each chapter but there are also seven other sections to this unit study that are so full of ideas one could never use them all. These activity ideas included essay questions for older students, drawing ideas for the visual learner and even a plethora of ideas on how to assemble a “display corner” to make George Washington’s character come alive for students of all ages! We don’t have a great place to gather actual items and leave them lay on a table somewhere but we have spent time hanging pictures of items that remind us of this great man and watching YouTube videos of his life and accomplishments. The children have drawn cartoons depicting scenes from the book and we have talked and looked at lots of maps during George’s surveyor days.

George Washington unit study

The Social Studies section had great ideas for learning important cities, vocabulary words and even concepts that might otherwise be missed by just reading the biography. I loved that the last section gave for a culminating event. We do this often but it helped me to think outside of our usual stand up and show what you made and tell Grandma and Grandpa what you learned. They had ideas for dress, food, and activities to do during hosting the culminating event for this George Washington unit study. There is truly something for every family and age in this unit study and for the very affordable price I would highly recommend it for everyone.

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