5 Weekly Goals – Household Goals

5 goals weekly link up

Can you believe it is Monday again and it is time to set our household goals again. With school back in session and a nursing newborn in the house life is super fast paced even though we aren’t even yet venturing out. Add on top of that a garden that is still producing and the normal daily needs that a family of 8 create and I find myself coming and going! I know some things will get easier once my restrictions are lifted and I am able to do the basement steps and lift things like I normally do. But I am not exactly sure when that will be so for now I am moving a little slower and needing help with several of my household chores.

Here is proof that at least some of my goals from last week got done.

household goals

And we tried twice to get a group shot of all six kids but had no luck yet. Elizabeth was not feeling super well this weekend as she just had a lot of painful gas. So, by the time I would get her settled and posed Jeremiah was crying and Katherine’s hair looked like she had slept for a week straight and hadn’t combed her hair. Maybe next week I will have those pictures to share.

But we did school every day this week and I consider that a huge success for just coming home from the hospital! Plus, I did get most of my homeschool goals written down and our schedule made for both weekly and daily assignments. Now on to this week’s goals…..

1. Get Daily and Weekly Schedule typed and into my household binder.

2. Write thank you cards for meals, baby sitting, and gifts from Elizabeth’s birth.

3. Doctor’s Appointment – This will be our first outing and I know I will be tired once we get home. So, I am leaving a whole day for this.

4. Clean out my photo shoot folder on the computer. My “work” is taking up way too much space so I want to make a portfolio of my favorites then burn the others to back up DVD’s and clean off the external hard drive.

5. Blogging – Lots of posts in my head. Hoping to get them typed out this week.

As you can tell these goals are lots of sitting still. I am taking at least this whole week “off” still and we will see how much the doctor says I can start doing when I go on Thursday. I still want to accomplish something and this is a great time to get some of that work that no one sees done so I can hit the ground running when she lifts my restrictions.

Don’t forget to link up your household goals post below and have a great week!


One Response to “5 Weekly Goals – Household Goals”

  1. Congrats on the arrival of your littlest one. She is so precious. There are days when I miss having a baby in the house but I can’t have anymore. That’s ok. I can enjoy my newest nephew and soon a new niece. Being an aunt it the best thing ever.