I am so pleased to say that I accomplished all of my goals last week and some beyond that!!! This 5 Weekly Goals link up is really helping me to stay focused through my week. If I put it on my list at the beginning I am much less likely to allow myself to “waste” time with little things and just dig in there and get the things on my list done. So here are a few updates from last week.
I made the button for the Welcome Baby blog event starting in just another week. Want to see?

I still need to get the code up and running so that all my lovely readers can share the “clickable” button for the event but this will be a great image to share on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. I will be sharing some ways to earn “early” entries into the giveaways soon. And I was even able to start on three posts for the event! Yeah!
I didn’t realize how long my freezer meal list had gotten already but I went through and wrote them all down so I had a record and I was very pleased. Now, I didn’t do all these this week, it has been months of preparations but I am pleased to report this is the current freezer tally –
Meals –
Twice Baked Taco Potatoes
Chicken Broccoli and Rice
Chicken Noodle Sauce (just add noodles)
Pork Chalupa
Chicken Fajita Kit
Breads/Snacks –
Chocolate Chip Muffins (2 bags)
Cinnamon Swirl Biscuits
Banana Bread (2)
Cinnamon Rolls (2)
Biscuits (3 bags)
A pretty good start if I do say so myself.
And now on to my new 5 Weekly Goals for this week.
1. Walls, baseboards, and windows all washed and cleaned. My mom is coming one day this week and this is her “project” to do with the kids.
2. Lay newspaper in the garden and plant lettuce. Overall my garden is doing AMAZING this year and I couldn’t be happier.
3.Do another 3 days of school with the kids. The older girls will be at church camp half the week next week and Josiah will be at VBS for the mornings so I want to get to school this week as the following will be almost impossible until at least Thursday.
4. Plan the menu for our upcoming Summer Splash Party with the kids. I am trying to keep them very involved.
5. Restock all my homemade cleaners and make sure they are well labeled and easy to find. I learned last time around when I couldn’t do the steps for awhile that I should have had my laundry items (in the basement) easier to find and better stocked. So, this makes the list this week.
I was so happy to have some new link ups last week and I hope that it will continue to grow and be a blessing to others as it has me. I love making new friends both in real life and in the blogging world. I am excited to see where God will take this little link up. Have a blessed week, my friends.
Wow, you’ve got a lot of meals put away in your freezer! Great job on planning ahead!
So organized! I love it! You have a nicely laid plan for your coming sweetums. My hats off to you dearie!
I am super impressed with the number of freezer meals you have stored away. I only wish I were that organized. I haven’t ever tried freezer meal planning, but I hope to once life settles down here. I look forward to hearing about your summer splash party with the kiddos. We are hoping to do school at least four days this week. My daughter took a day off yesterday to spend with her father who is home recovering from surgery. Stop by my blog anytime http://totplay.blogspot.com/2013/07/five-weekly-goals-will-we-ever-get.html. I would love to hear from you. Good luck with your weekly goals. May you accomplish more than you intended. Have a wonderful week!
I was out of town at the first of the week so I am not going to be able to link up this week. Congrats on all the great progress! Love your new button for the baby event. So beautiful! My sister is 35 weeks along as well. She is having a baby boy, due Aug 24th. Praying for a healthy mom and baby. Hoping to link up next week!
How do I find the new weekly link up? I couldn’t find it or link up last week. Thanks a bunch!
I took two weeks off due to the Welcome Baby event but you can use the red button the right side column to find the most recent post and the link up is at the bottom of each post. Hope you can join us!