Happy Memorial Day.

The ultimate sacrifice. It is not only these men and women that give up so much of their lives to continue to protect our freedoms but it is their families as well. That is something I know all too well. My sister served for 15 months in Iraq, was injured during that time, and still today deals with the consequences of that deployment. It is a lifetime sacrifice for so many. Memorial Day.

Waiting patiently

Their bodies are abused, pushed, and broken so many times during active service and then the sad state of affairs that many don’t see is the horrid care or lack thereof that they receive from their VA doctors. The waits are long, the appointments yield nothing but more pills and no help. They often spend the rest of their life dealing with pain and suffering and no one seems to care. Even the very department that is designed to care for them.

Memorial day
Finally “home”

They have husbands. They have fathers and mothers.

Memorial Day
Katherine was born while Erin was in Iraq. This was the first day that she met her.

Sisters and brothers.

Memorial Day
Aunt Erin and Samantha. The girls had waited SO long to see her again.

Nieces and nephews.

Memorial Day
So happy to finally be surrounded by something familiar.

And they all suffer together. They cry together. They worry together.

Memorial Day

So let us not forget why we have this “holiday”. Memorial Day comes with a HUGE sacrifice.

Memorial Day
Aunt Erin and Maggie

Let us never forget.

One Response to “Happy Memorial Day.”

  1. Hey I don’t have any of these pictures! Please send them to me sometime. This post made me cry. Such a good memory to erase all the months of bad! I love you all.

    Aunt Erin