There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. Matthew 26:7 (emphasis mine)
An alabster box was a most prized possession in Biblical days. It was costly and often filled with just as costly perfume/spices/oils. On this day Jesus knew that His time on earth would soon be ending. And as He was with His disciples a women enters the room and pours the contents of her alabaster box onto Jesus’ head to anoint Him. It was a true act of sacrificial worship.
And Jesus praised her and promised His disciples that her story would last through the generations. He was pleased with her actions. With her heart. She gave Him her everything. She held nothing back. She loved Him more anything else.
And Jesus wants the same from us today. he wants our best. He wants our everything.
We all have those things in our life that are precious to us. Our children, home, health, safety, comfort, friends, and the list goes on and on. But many times we are called to give up our most precious things in sacrificial worship. The women’s alabaster box is said to have cost her a year’s wages. It was probably all she had in earthly wealth. And yet she POURED it our for Jesus. She didn’t just sprinkle it or just open it to fragence the room. She gave it all. Willingly gave it all.

And today the call is the same. Give Me your all and your name will go on for generations. People will remember those who gave their everything with love and worship. Sometimes it is our health that is taken from us. For others the cost of true sacrificial worship is the loss of a loved one. For some of us the only cost for now is time, energy, and our heart. Are you giving these up with the right attitude? Do you look forward to going to worship so that you can show Jesus how much you love Him? Are you eager to read His love letter to you each day in a sacrifice of your time?
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:17
So today my challenge for you dear friends is to be broken before God. What is God telling you to give up today? What are your most prized possessions that keep you from truly being broken before God? Allow your most prized possessions to pour out before your Saviour and live a life of sacrificial worship. And watch your life become a legacy for Christ for generations to come.
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