The A+ math software review was made possible by A+ Tutorsoft, Inc. This company has created math software curriculum for almost every grade. I have been using their 3rd grade A+ Interactive MATH cd software Premium Edition with Samantha for the past few weeks and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am with what I am seeing. And because this is a physical CD and can be used year after year, in my opinion, the $124.99 price tag is very reasonable.

Samantha has been using this program daily as her main math lessons and is still loving it. It has been great for her. It is challenging and yet the material is taught thoroughly enough that she is able to do most of the work on her own. I have seen her self-confidence grow and her ability be stretched. I really feel that this program has enriched her math understanding and helped her to gain a better understanding of the “why” of math and not just the “how”.
Probably one of my favorite aspects of this program that I love is that if the student misses a problem during the interactive question and answer section the program offers a detailed break down of how the right answer should have been obtained. For each section there is a printable worksheet that you can use if the student still needs extra practice after the interactive questions are complete.

The A+ Math software is also great for reviewing problem areas. You can go back and repeat a lesson as many times as needed. Although this CD is designed for children in the 3rd grade, Maggie (my 5th grader) has always struggled with multiplication and division, so when we got the A+ math software I had her go back and review with the chapters on these topics.The approach that the software used really helped her to gain confidence and she is now dividing long division problems with ease.

The teacher on the software is thorough and easy to understand with a pleasant voice. There are great graphics and a fun little frog that helps students “hop” through their questions on their way to success. Overall I feel that A+ math software is thorough and comprehensive and should be highly considered if you are looking for a computer based, parent-led, multisensory math software.
If this program interests you, you will be pleased to know that A+ Tutorsoft, Inc is offering a 50% OFF Special Promotion through the end of MARCH. The coupon code is: SPOFFER50. Please feel free to take advantage of this generous offer.

Thanks for the great review. Kathy B (A+ TutorSoft Social Media Manager and fellow TOS team member).