Curing Ear Infections Naturally

Has one of your children ever had an ear infection? Those pesky little things plague some children and yet don’t bother others at all. But if your child suffers from them you know how miserable they can be for the baby and for the mother as well. Sleepless nights. Lots of crying. Clingy baby. No fun at all.

Both of my boys have had chronic ear infections (yes my boys are my “health” issues into toddlerhood). With Josiah we ended up wtih tubes around 18 months after over 15 ear infections. Then Jeremiah had his first around 10 months old and had them on and off all winter last year. I was so sick and tired of pumping my child full of those antibiotics and then force feeding him certain foods to off-set the nasty side effects those medicines were having on his system. So I started doing some research and reading and asking people all in an effort to find a way to combat these infections naturally and to break this cycle!

Combating congestion and fluid with a cool mist

And here are the things that I have read AND TRIED with Jeremiah. And with great success. I have diagnosed(yes, I bought an otoscope and taught myself how to use it. When I say chronic I mean CHRONIC), treated, and healed at least three ear infections so far and Jeremiah has now been infection free for almost six months.

  • Lemon Juice – Use three to four drops of 100% lemon juice in the ear every 4-6 hours.
  • Warm Compresses – This helps the pain and also helps the fluid to drain from the ear. I usually follow the drops with a warm damp cloth applied to the ear for roughly 10min.
  • Breast Milk – Yes, I know that it sounds weird and “gross” I have been told but I have used this and it is by far my favorite drop for ear and eye infections. But it is not “available” all the time so if it is not, just use the lemon juice.
Staying hydrated and cool to fight fever naturally.

There you have it. I know it sounds simple and maybe a little strange but trust me it works. And it will prevent you from paying a doctor and pumping your child full of more medicine.

Disclaimer – I am just a mother. Not a doctor. This is just my advice that I have found to be useful. Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for any reaction that may occur during its use.

One Response to “Curing Ear Infections Naturally”

  1. Popping over from Homemaking Linkup. This post stood out to me because my nephew was complaining his ear hurt yesterday. He mentioned it several times – he’s 11 years old, so it must have really been bothering him for him to mention it so often. They are coming back over again today, and I have lemon juice. I think I will try to get him to try that and a warm compress while he’s here (I have those rice packs – that should do really good for him). Thank you for linking this up so I could find it!

    Blessings from Croatia: A Little R & R: