Striving for Perfection?

As I spoke with a woman this week that has just recently become a mother of 2 I was reminded how things have changed for me over the years.

Maggie “helping” Samantha

In my “before children” home the focus was on my likes, tastes, and all about eye appeal. And then, a short 10 months later we brought home our first baby and slowly things have changed. For awhile things stayed the same we just added all the baby equipment to the already decorated home. This lasted for a couple of children, but as this new mother of 2 was expressing to me, I slowly learned that I must change my focus.

Bring baby #3 (Josiah) home from the NICU
For me going from two to three children was when I really felt a huge change. This could have partly been due to my son’s NICU stay and the pressure to keep him healthy and “not let him cry” for six weeks. Any mother knows that those doctor’s orders were crazy!! But it was at this time that I really started to reevaluate my home. I started to get rid of the things that were just things and replace them with only things that were functional.
Maggie helping momma by changing Katherine

Fancy mirrors and wall art were replaced with large coat racks and family photos. Glasses were replaced with child safe cups and my cabinets were rearranged to allow the children to help with chores. I got rid of anything that wasn’t needed for our daily lives to save time on cleaning. Everything had to be streamlined to make it as practical as possible. My focus on the “perfect” house was dying. Or was it?

Gotta love a crazy “hospital” family picture. First time I got to hold Jeremiah!

I want to encourage you, dear sisters, as you go through each and every day to focus on eternity and the day when true perfection will be reached. Do not get burdened down with homes that are not like a magazine or bodies that don’t look like a model. We are called to serve our families and those around us with the love of Christ. And then, and only then, will our world seem perfectly in order by the grace of God. He will change your focus and turn your heart to His calling and you can stop striving for perfect and embrace His perfect for your life.

3 Responses to “Striving for Perfection?”

  1. What a wonderful post! So true, and yet for most of us this is an ongoing battle. However, God never promised us that life with its struggles and temptations would be easily conquered. He promised that He would never leave us or forsake us and that He would conquer it!

  2. what a wonderful post and a great reminder!!!
    I have been thinking along the same lines recently and it is so encouraging to hear some one else saying the same thing!!! focusing less on perfection and more on love for family and grace from God! <3

  3. So true! So true! I am always saying, “Can’t I have anything nice?” It never fails when I get something new that something on it gets destroyed by my kiddos. But, how boring life would be if everything was always perfect, in it’s place and never enjoyed by anyone but me. Someday we will have the time for that perfectly organised home and extra time and we will miss these days most of all! Thanks for reminding us where our priorities need to be! :-)