Every mother carries a diaper bag.

They come in a rainbow of colors and patterns.

I have actually been carrying a diaper bag for over seven years straight now. Not one break. Not one day that there wasn’t a diaper bag fully packed by my front door.
Why all of this talk of diaper bags? Well, I love a new bag. Almost as much as I love a new purse. And right now, this blog is giving away a diaper bag that doesn’t look like a diaper bag. As the mother to many children I sometimes tire of carrying a “diaper” bag. But carrying one of these cool stylish bags would be functional and fun. So, if you are a mom that still has need of a diaper bag click on over the My Organized Chaos and enter to win one of your own.
FYI I opened your blog hours ago and have kept it open just to listen to the awesome praise music. Thanks for providing the soundtrack to our afternoon/evening!
I need a new diaper bag!!